Published: March 2014

ID #: 69552

Journal: JAMA Pediatr

Authors: Bernhardt AM, Wilking C, Gottlieb M, Emond J, Sargent JD

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This paper examines how young children interpret depictions of healthy foods (milk and apples) in television advertisements by McDonalds’s and Burger King aired from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. A sample of 99 children ages 3 to 7 were shown two still images drawn from advertisements for healthy meals at McDonald’s and Burger King and asked what they saw in the pictures. Researchers found that although the image for each restaurant contained milk, only 52 percent of children made reference to milk when describing the McDonald’s image, and 70 percent mentioned milk when describing the Burger King image. Each image also contained apples; however, the children’s recall of apples was significantly different by restaurant. Although 80 percent of children mentioned apples when describing the McDonald’s image, only 10 percent of children mentioned apples when describing the Burger King image. Conversely, although french fries were not featured in either image, 81 percent of children recalled seeing french fries after viewing the Burger King image.

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