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“It has a lot to do with the cumbersome paperwork”: Barriers and facilitators of center-based early care and education (ECE) program participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federally-regulated feeding program that reimburses early care and education (ECE) programs for providing nutritious meals to low-income children. Participation in CACFP is voluntary and varies widely across states. This study assessed barriers and facilitators of center-based ECE program participation in CACFP and identified potential strategies More

Date: March 2023

Resource Type: Journal Article

Focus Areas: Early Childhood Nutrition Policy & Programs

Assessing Drivers of Disparity in Child Care Center Participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program in 4 States with High Poverty

The study will address a gap in knowledge, providing insight into facilitators and barriers to CACFP uptake by eligible centers and actionable recommendations to address challenges in high-need areas where child poverty is exceptionally high, but resources are limited. The project goals and objectives are to: (1) Assess the historical and structural facilitators and barriers More

Date: September 2020

Resource Type: Commissioned Research Project Summary

Focus Areas: Early Childhood