Factors Associated with Successful Development and Implementation of School Wellness Policies

This project will be a natural experiment examining issues related to school wellness policy development and implementation, and changes in school nutrition environments as schools work to comply with the wellness policy mandate. The aims of this project are to describe adequacy of wellness policies submitted by Pennsylvania Local Education Agencies, assess level of policy More

Study of Environmental and Policy Factors Impacting Healthy Eating Behaviors for Low-Income Elementary Students in Colorado

This project is designed to identify and evaluate environmental and policy features related to healthy eating among elementary schools located throughout low-income, Hispanic and non-Hispanic, urban and rural Colorado. In a longitudinal design, student diet recalls and school level food-related sales records will be used to assess diet and eating patterns over time. Environmental and More

A National Study of Public School Food Environments and Policies and Their Relationship to Diet and Obesity Among Students

The purpose of the study is: (a) to identify School Food Policy Environments and Policies (SFEPs) that are most likely to affect students’ dietary behaviors and/or weight, and (b) to understand how both the existence and impact of SFEPs may vary along socio-economic and racial/ethnic lines. Results of our proposed analyses will suggest which, if More

Policy Legislation and Nutrition (PLAN): What Works to Improve Student Health

The Policy Legislation and Nutrition (PLAN) study will examine the impact of state and local policies on the school nutrition environment and on the students’ dietary behaviors. Data will be collected from 64 rural and urban middle schools in Washington State, stratified by income level and ethnicity. Data will include policy quality, policy implementation, inventories More

Taking National School Wellness Policy to Scale: Evaluating School Food Policy Implementation Within an Urban School System

In 2006, Atlanta Public Schools will implement mandated wellness policies in all the schools at every level. Each school may develop and implement its own plan. This study will investigate the social, economic, organizational, and demographic factors associated with individual schools’ short and longer-term actions in response to the new school wellness policy mandate. Analyses More