November 2022
Q&A: Evaluating Changes to the WIC Cash Value Benefit During COVID-19
The WIC Cash Value Benefit (CVB) is a component of the WIC food package that provides participants with a fixed dollar amount to spend on fruits and vegetables each month. Historically, the CVB for each family was only between $9-11 per person per month, an amount many nutrition experts and WIC participants deemed insufficient to More
September 2022
Q&A with Dr. Oral Capps Jr.: Macroeconomic factor effects on food assistance program participation
Oral Capps Jr., PhD is Executive Professor, Regents Professor, and Co-Director of the Agribusiness, Food, and Consumer Economics Research Center in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Texas A&M University. He is a nationally and internationally recognized leader in demand analysis, specializing in working with large databases. This project was funded through a Healthy Eating More
May 2022
Q&A with Dr. Angela Trude: Online and In-store Grocery Shopping Behaviors among Low-income Households
“Most shoppers eligible for SNAP reported ordering groceries online at least once. However, we found that they bought fewer healthy foods (like fruits and vegetables) online than in physical stores.” Angela Trude, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Nutrition Program at NYU Steinhardt, Department of Nutrition and Food Studies. Her work examines the systemic roots More