The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), the largest U.S. nutrition program for childcare, provides tiered reimbursements to family childcare homes (FCCHs) to serve healthy foods to a large proportion of children from households with low incomes. Due to COVID-19, all FCCHs on CACFP temporarily received the higher Tier I reimbursement rate. The aims of the study are: 1) Quantify trends in CACFP participation as reimbursement changes from 2019 (Tier I/II) to 2021 (Tier I) to 2022 (Tier I/II); 2) Determine impacts on food quality and food security via a statewide survey of FCCHs and qualitative interviews with a subset of FCCHs, CACFP sponsors, and families; and 3) Collaborate with stakeholders to identify and disseminate policy recommendations to maximize CACFP participation and equitable access to healthy foods.
Start Date: 7/1/2022