Identifying and Evaluating Food Environment Changes Improving Access to Affordable Healthy Foods in Low-Income Communities

The goal of this research is to evaluate the Fresh to You (FTY) program, which aims to increase year-round access to affordable, high-quality, fresh fruits and vegetables for low-income families through implementation of year-round discount fruit and vegetable markets in community organizations. Specifically, this work will consist of (a) conducting process evaluations of FTY in More

Analyzing Food and Entertainment Companies’ Policies on Food Marketing to Children

The goal of this work is to provide an in-depth examination and comparison of industry efforts to self-regulate food and beverage marketing to children. More specifically, this macro-level analysis will: (a) analyze, compare, and contrast food and entertainment companies’ policies on food marketing to children with respect to their nutrition standards, media approaches covered, and More

Examining Higher and Lower Income Household Food Purchasing Behavior and Whether It May Be Responsible for Childhood Obesity

This project will examine the extent to which household food purchasing behavior differs between higher- and lower-income households and whether these differences may be partly responsible for socioeconomic differences in childhood obesity. In addition, investigators will use econometric models of household food purchases to simulate the extent to which pricing policies, such as taxes on More

Examining Policy and Practice in Digital Marketing of Food and Beverages to Children

The aim of this research is to examine new digital and interactive food and beverage marketing practices, primarily targeting children and adolescents. Specifically, this study will: (a) provide a comprehensive analysis of the digital food and beverage youth marketing infrastructure, explaining new platforms, technologies, advertising techniques, and market research practices for targeting children and adolescents, More

Studying and Documenting Industry Self-Regulation Strengths and Weaknesses in Addressing Food Marketing Practices that Contribute to Childhood Obesity

This project will examine the strengths and weaknesses of self-regulation in addressing food marketing practices that contribute to childhood obesity. Investigators will document the impact and effectiveness of the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (“CARU”) (the principal mechanism for self-regulation in this area) and the Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative (“Initiative”) (a recent development involving More

Examining the Financial Impact of a la Carte Foods in Kansas Public Schools

This project will characterize demographic and financial differences in the dependence on a la carte food sales among school food service programs. Specifically, the aims of this research are to: (a) classify and describe school districts according to their level of a la carte dependence, (b) explore key financial and demographic characteristics that distinguish low, More

Analyzing the Nature and Extent of Food Advertising During Children’s Programming on Spanish Language Television

The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the nutritional quality of the foods advertised on children’s programs on Spanish-language broadcast and cable channels, and to compare it to English-language channels. The study will examine a wide range of descriptive measures that include product type, persuasive theme/appeal, use of mascots, celebrities, licensed characters, contests, More

School Food Environments and Policies in U.S. Public Schools

Based on 2005 data, this study found that 97% of high schools and 82% of middle schools had vending machines, compared with 17% of elementary schools. In addition, 93% of high schools and 92% of middle schools sold food and beverages a la carte, and nearly 80% of these schools offered unhealthy a la carte More