Participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program is Associated with More Nutritious Foods and Beverages in Child Care

This article discusses the results of a study that compared foods and beverages served to 2- to 5-year-olds by type of child-care site and participation in the federally-funded Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Results from a statewide survey of California child-care providers suggest that CACFP child-care sites in general, and Head Start centers More

Providing Water With Meals is Not a Concern for Young Children: Summary of the Literature & Best Practice Recommendations

Promoting water intake has been proposed in order to displace the intake of sugar-sweetened beverages, and new federal and California laws now require water availability in child-care settings. However, some child-care staff have voiced concerns that if young children are provided water with meals, they will fill up on the water and not consume enough More

Improving Nutrition in Home Child Care: Are Food Costs a Barrier?

Improving the nutritional quality of foods served in child care may come at a higher cost according to a study of foods served in child-care homes participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Researchers found that higher daily food expenditures were associated with higher total food energy and higher nutritional quality of More

The Wellness Child Care Assessment Tool: A Measure to Assess the Quality of Written Nutrition and Physical Activity Policies

This paper discusses the development and psychometric properties (range, internal consistency, inter-rater reliability, and construct validity) of an instrument–the Wellness Child Care Assessment Tool–to quantitatively evaluate the comprehensiveness and strength of written nutrition and physical activity policies at preschools and child-care centers. To evaluate the instrument, psychometric analyses were conducted on 94 independent policies from More

Preventing Obesity Among Preschool Children: How Can Child-Care Settings Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity? A Research Synthesis

The preschool years are a critically important period for developing healthy food preferences and motor skills. Since the majority of U.S. children are placed in some form of non-parental care during their preschool years, these settings provide opportunities to promote healthy eating and physical activity behaviors among preschool children. Given the widespread use of child More

Evaluating the Impact of a California Statute Regulating Beverages Served in Licensed Child-Care Settings

Because lifelong diet habits are shaped in early childhood, California Food Policy Advocates worked with the California Legislature to successfully pass legislation creating healthy beverage standards for all licensed child-care settings. California is among the first states to establish such standards for licensed child care. This project seeks to evaluate the impact of these standards. More

Validity of a Measure to Assess the Child-Care Nutrition and Physical Activity Environment

This paper discusses the development and validity of a self-administered survey to assess the nutrition and physical activity environment of child-care centers. The survey assesses four areas related to nutrition and physical activity: center policies, practices related to the social environment, physical environment and nutrition quality. To evaluate criterion validity of the survey, researchers compared More