Tools for Healthy Tribes: Improving Access to Healthy Foods in Indian Country

This paper describes how the American Indian Healthy Eating Project evolved through five phases: 1) starting the conversation; 2) conducting multidisciplinary formative research; 3) strengthening partnerships and tailoring policy options; 4) disseminating community-generated ideas; and 5) accelerating action while fostering sustainability. The article discusses each phase’s essential steps, outcomes derived, and lessons learned. Collectively, these More

Nutrition Policies at Child-Care Centers and Impact on Role Modeling of Healthy Eating Behaviors of Caregivers

This article discusses a cross-sectional study evaluating the associations between child-care center policies about staff eating practices and caregivers’ dietary behaviors during mealtime interactions with children. Researchers observed no substantial associations between caregiver behaviors and center policies. Caregivers were observed modeling healthy dietary behaviors more frequently at centers that had written policies about staff modeling, More

Evaluating the Quality of Child-Care Nutrition, Physical Activity and Screen-Time Practices to Inform Policies to Prevent Childhood Obesity

Prior research evaluating children’s diets and physical activity report the need for improvements to ensure their daily nutrition and activity needs are met while in child-care settings. Limited research has examined nutrition and physical activity policies of child-care programs. This study will evaluate the quality of these policies in relation to observed practices, staff awareness More

Developing Planning and Policy Strategies to Improve Access to Healthy Foods Within North Carolina Tribal Communities

American Indian children endure disproportionately high obesity rates, yet few academic institutions have cultivated sustainable relationships with American Indian communities committed to improving food access. This project will: (1) apply community-based participatory research methodologies to build partnerships with the North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs and North Carolina tribal communities to gain an understanding of More

Creating a Self-Report Instrument Measuring the Child Care Nutrition Environment and Providing Evidence of the Instrument’s Reliability and Validity

The aim of this study is to create a self-report instrument which will measure the child care nutrition environment and provide evidence for the reliability of scores and validity of inferences from this instrument. By creating a clear, easily understandable instrument that can be used across a range of child care centers to provide reliable More

School Nutrition Standards Policy Implementation: Economic Impact and the Role of Key Stakeholders

North Carolina passed legislation to implement recommended nutrition standards in schools. A pilot study conducted in 2004-05 in seven school districts (123 elementary schools varying by size, region, and demographics) resulted in substantial revenue loss and resistance from administrators, teachers, parents, and students. We propose an in-depth analysis of the financial impact and implementation barriers More