Published: October 2017

ID #: 1100

Journal: J Acad Nutr Diet

Authors: Larson N, Ayers Looby A, Frost N, Nanney MS, Story M

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Child-care settings and the combination of policies and regulations under which they operate may reduce or perpetuate disparities in weight-related health, depending on the environmental supports they provide for healthy eating and physical activity. The objectives of this review are to summarize research on state and local policies relevant to weight-related health equity among young children in the United States and on how federal policies and regulations may provide supports for child-care providers serving families with the most limited resources. In addition, a third objective is to comprehensively review studies on differences in practices and policies within U.S. child-care facilities according to the location or demographics of providers and children. The review found there is growing evidence addressing disparities in the social and physical child-care environments provided for young children, but scientific gaps are present in the current understanding of how resources should best be allocated and policies designed to promote health equity.

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