Research & Publications | Healthy Eating Research

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Policy, systems, and environmental interventions addressing physical activity in early childhood education settings: A systematic review

Policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) approaches can facilitate physical activity in priority populations (e.g., racial and ethnic minority, low wealth groups) within early childhood education (ECE) settings. The purpose of this review was to 1) characterize the inclusion of priority populations within ECE physical activity interventions containing PSE approaches and 2) identify and describe interventions More

Date: August 2023

Resource Type: Journal Article

Focus Areas: Early Childhood

Prioritizing Health in State ESSA Plans and Report Cards to Support the Whole Child

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law on December 10, 2015, reauthorizing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. ESSA created an opportunity to broaden accountability beyond traditional subjects, such as math, to potentially focus on health and wellness in schools. States could select health and wellness-related indicators, and identify strategies More

Date: April 2020

Resource Type: Research Brief

Focus Areas: Nutrition Policy & Programs School & After School

A Framework for Increasing Equity Impact in Obesity Prevention

One of the most pressing unmet challenges for preventing and controlling epidemic obesity is ensuring that socially disadvantaged populations benefit from relevant public health interventions. Obesity levels are disproportionately high in ethnic minority, low-income, and other socially marginalized U.S. population groups. Current policy, systems, and environmental change interventions target obesity-promoting aspects of physical, economic, social, More

Date: October 2019

Resource Type: Journal Article

Focus Areas: Healthy Communities

Conducting a Large-Scale Surveillance of Public School Environments to Advance Wellness-Related Practices, With a Focus on Rural Schools

Rural disparities in health behaviors and weight status jeopardize the well-being of millions of Americans. Compared to urban children, rural children have higher rates of obesity and consume more calories, less fruit, and fewer vegetables. A health-promoting school environment can modify risk behaviors, and periodic assessment of school environments provides crucial information about opportunities for More

Date: March 2019

Resource Type: Grant Summary

Focus Areas: School & After School

Examining State-Level Strategies to Implement Child-Care Licensing Regulations on Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, and Screen Time for Children

State child care licensing regulations, which specify the standards for practice to which child care providers must adhere to be licensed, can be a policy tool for ensuring that child care providers use healthy nutrition, physical activity, and screen time practices. However, what state agencies do to support child care providers in actually implementing these More

Date: February 2019

Resource Type: Grant Summary

Focus Areas: Early Childhood

Childhood Obesity: ECE Policy and Practice Special Journal Issue

Childhood Obesity published a special theme journal issue on early care and education programs (ECE) policy and practice. It unites a group of outstanding researchers focusing on the role of policies and practices within ECE programs to support healthy practices. Each article addresses one or more important influences, including public policies, such as the federally More

Date: September 2018

Resource Type: Special Journal Issue

Focus Areas: Early Childhood

Early Care and Education Policies and Programs to Support Healthy Eating and Physical Activity: Best Practices and Changes Over Time. Research Review: 2010-2016

Over the last six years, efforts to strengthen policies, systems, and environments to promote health and prevent obesity have become more robust and widespread. These efforts include updates to federal policies and programs, state regulations, local policies, and evidence-based guidance. The goal of the current research review is to provide the most up-to-date information on More

Date: January 2018

Resource Type: Research Review

Focus Areas: Early Childhood Nutrition Policy & Programs

Interventions to Prevent Global Childhood Overweight and Obesity: A Systematic Review

In this systematic review, investigators expand on previous reviews of obesity prevention interventions by including recent studies from all parts of the world. School-based interventions with combined diet and physical activity components and a home element had greatest effectiveness; evidence in support of the effect of preschool-based, community-based, and home-based interventions was limited by a More

Date: October 2017

Resource Type: Journal Article

Focus Areas: Early Childhood Healthy Communities School & After School

What Can Be Learned from Existing Investigations of Weight-Related Practices and Policies with the Potential to Impact Disparities in US Child-Care Settings? A Narrative Review and Call for Surveillance and Evaluation Efforts.

Child-care settings and the combination of policies and regulations under which they operate may reduce or perpetuate disparities in weight-related health, depending on the environmental supports they provide for healthy eating and physical activity. The objectives of this review are to summarize research on state and local policies relevant to weight-related health equity among young children More

Date: October 2017

Resource Type: Journal Article

Focus Areas: Early Childhood

Updating the Wellness School Assessment Tool, WellSAT, to Version 3.0

The WellSAT, created in 2005, is a leading measure used to assess the quality of written school wellness policies. The aim of the present study is to update the WellSAT to a 3.0 version based on current science and psychometric assessments to reflect the 2016 final federal rule from the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. The More

Date: July 2017

Resource Type: Grant Summary

Focus Areas: Nutrition Policy & Programs School & After School