Evaluating Methods for Increasing Public Support for Policies Regulating Food Marketing to Children

Through this research, investigators will develop and test experimental methods for increasing public support for policies regulating food marketing to children. The significance of this project lies in its potential for identifying persuasive appeals (referred to as message frames) to enhance public support for childhood obesity prevention policies. Examples of such message framing have been More

Survey of Eating Environments and Policies in Head Start

The aim of this study is to describe eating environments and policies in Head Start at the national level, examining their variation by program characteristics. In partnership with DHHS and USDA, this project will develop a survey to describe eating environments and policies in Head Start (including issues such as foods offered, use of nutrient-based More

Creating a Self-Report Instrument Measuring the Child Care Nutrition Environment and Providing Evidence of the Instrument’s Reliability and Validity

The aim of this study is to create a self-report instrument which will measure the child care nutrition environment and provide evidence for the reliability of scores and validity of inferences from this instrument. By creating a clear, easily understandable instrument that can be used across a range of child care centers to provide reliable More

Reducing the Risk of Obesity for African-American Youth by Developing a Program to Improve the Food Environment in Baltimore

This project will evaluate an innovative intervention to change the food environment to reduce obesity risk among low-income urban African American children. Specifically, it will (a) develop, implement and evaluate a program that creates healthy eating zones around selected city schools that will increase the availability of healthy food options and promote them at the More

The Role of Child-Care Settings in Obesity Prevention

A majority of American children participate in non-parental child-care arrangements in child-care centers and homes. The child-care setting can play a major role in shaping children’s dietary intake, physical activity, and energy balance. In this article, the authors discuss trends in child-care use, child-care food and physical activity policies and environments, and obesity prevention interventions More

The Role of Schools in Obesity Prevention

Schools can play an important part in the national effort to prevent childhood obesity. More than 95 percent of American youth aged 5 to 17 are enrolled in school, and no other institution has as much continuous and intensive contact with children during the first two decades of life. Schools can promote good nutrition, physical More