School Food Environments and Practices Affect Dietary Behaviors of U.S. Public School Children

Using data from the third School Nutrition Dietary Assessment Study, this study estimates the effects of school food environments on children’s consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, low-nutrient energy-dense foods and fruits and vegetables in school. The national study involved more than 2,300 children in 287 schools. Results demonstrated that sugar-sweetened beverages consumed at school contributed an More

Association Between School Food Environment and Practices and Body Mass Index of U.S. Public School Children

Using data from the third School Nutrition Dietary Assessment Study, this study estimates the association between school food environments and practices and children’s likelihood for obesity. (Obesity was defined as having a body mass index greater than the 95th percentile for their age.) The national study involved more than 2,200 children in 287 schools. The More

Food Prices and Weight Gain During Elementary School: 5-Year Update

Elementary school children in communities with high produce prices are more likely to gain weight than those areas with low produce costs, according to a study published in Public Health. The study, Food Prices and Weight Gain During Elementary School: 5-year Update, showed that children who lived in the 15 areas where fruits and vegetables More

The Federal Child Nutrition Commodity Program: A Report on Nutritional Quality

This report found that school districts fail to take advantage of healthier foods offered by the federal child nutrition commodity program, despite improvements in the nutritional quality of foods offered to schools by USDA. The study found that, in California, meat and cheese products accounted for more than 82% of the dollars spent on commodity More

The Effect of Soft Drink Availability in Elementary Schools on Consumption

A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association finds that limiting the availability of soft drinks in elementary schools may not significantly affect overall soda consumption by children. The study found that limiting soft drink availability in elementary schools was associated with only a 4 percent reduced likelihood of any consumption in the More

Statewide Assessment of Local Wellness Policies in Pennsylvania Public School Districts

This paper assesses Pennsylvania public school district local wellness policies, compares the policies to local wellness policy mandate requirements and provides information about the local wellness policy development process. Researchers found that all required school districts in the state established a local wellness policy and almost all (85.6%-100%) met each mandate requirement (e.g., included goals More