Government and School Progress to Promote a Healthful Diet to American Children and Adolescents: A Comprehensive Review of the Available Evidence

In a 2005 report, “Food Marketing to Children and Youth: Threat or Opportunity?”, an Institute of Medicine (IOM) expert committee concluded that prevailing food and beverage marketing practices did not support a healthful diet and provided recommendations for diverse stakeholders to promote a healthful diet to children and adolescents. This paper reviews the available evidence More

Improving Nutrition in Home Child Care: Are Food Costs a Barrier?

Improving the nutritional quality of foods served in child care may come at a higher cost according to a study of foods served in child-care homes participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Researchers found that higher daily food expenditures were associated with higher total food energy and higher nutritional quality of More

Government Can Regulate Food Advertising to Children Because Cognitive Research Shows that it is Inherently Misleading

The childhood obesity epidemic has prompted calls for government restrictions on child-targeted advertisements for high-calorie, nutrient-poor foods. Food and entertainment industry groups have countered that the First Amendment prohibits such government regulation. This article draws on relevant court decisions and scientific research on children’s understanding of advertising to show that all advertising directed at children More

Examining the Nutritional Content and Youth-Focused Marketing of Fortified Drinks to Strengthen Public Policies

With the link between sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) and childhood obesity well established, effective strategies to reduce consumption of these beverages among children are needed. The objective of this research is to determine whether the nutritional content of fortified beverages and fruit drinks warrants their inclusion or exclusion from public policies designed to reduce the marketing More

The Wellness Child Care Assessment Tool: A Measure to Assess the Quality of Written Nutrition and Physical Activity Policies

This paper discusses the development and psychometric properties (range, internal consistency, inter-rater reliability, and construct validity) of an instrument–the Wellness Child Care Assessment Tool–to quantitatively evaluate the comprehensiveness and strength of written nutrition and physical activity policies at preschools and child-care centers. To evaluate the instrument, psychometric analyses were conducted on 94 independent policies from More

How Does the Rural Food Environment Affect Rural Childhood Obesity?

This paper examines the association between the rural food environment and rural lower-income children’s food consumption and obesity rates in six rural towns in Maine. Researchers found few significant relationships between the community food environment and the home food environment. A marginally significant relationship was found between the distance parents traveled to shop and the More