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Evaluation of the USDA FINI Program Finds Benefits for Consumers, Farmers and Retailers, and Local Economies

In December 2018, Congress passed a new farm bill which included a reauthorization of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive (FINI) Grant Program. This brief summarizes the findings of a recent qualitative evaluation of FINI, which concludes that the program has benefits for consumers, farmers and retailers, and local economies. This More

Date: January 2019

Resource Type: Research Brief

Focus Areas: Food Access Nutrition Policy & Programs

A Qualitative Evaluation of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive (FINI) Grant Program

This research describes findings from interviews conducted with grantees of multi-year community-based and large-scale projects funded by the FINI mechanism, as well as with stakeholders who could speak to FINI on a broader level. A total of 22 interviews were conducted with 19 organizations. Key elements addressed in this evaluation include: 1) Best practices and More

Date: October 2018

Resource Type: Report

Focus Areas: Food Access Nutrition Policy & Programs

Analyzing Supermarket Retailers’ Motivators for and Barriers to Promoting Healthy Products

This study aims to analyze supermarket retail practices and identify retailers’ motivators for and barriers to promoting healthy products. The research team will engage in semi-structured and qualitative interviews with 16-20 supermarket managers (or key decision-makers), at least 10 of which will be in New York City and 6 in rural areas in New York More

Date: March 2016

Resource Type: Commissioned Research Project Summary

Focus Areas: Food Marketing Food Retail