Healthy Eating Research (HER), Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and The Food Trust have developed the first national research agenda focused on healthy food retail. The research agenda is the result of a multi-step process, including commissioned research and a Healthy Retail Research convening, which More
Keywords: Corner store, Digital marketing, Food advertising, Food insecurity, Food outlet, Food systems, Front-of-package labeling, Fruits and vegetables, Grocery store, Home, In-store marketing, Neighborhood, Restaurant, Rural, Supermarket, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Urban, Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Date: November 2020
Resource Type: Report Special Journal Issue
Focus Areas: Food Access Food Retail
Disparities in diet quality persist in the U.S. Examining consumer food purchasing can provide unique insight into the nutritional inequities documented by race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status (SES), and geographic location (i.e., urban vs. rural). There remains limited understanding of how these three factors intersect to influence consumer food purchasing. This study aimed to summarize peer-reviewed scientific More
Keywords: Community setting, Corner store, Fast food, Food outlet, Supermarket
The study goals and objectives are: 1) To conduct mixed methods research to construct case studies in 7 diverse healthy food-focused retail food stores located in low-income communities throughout the United States; 2) To understand experiences of these stores in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, including strengths and vulnerabilities; and 3) To conduct a More
Keywords: Community setting, Corner store, Food outlet, Grocery store
Previous research reported modest associations between food environments near schools and adiposity among children overall. The associations within sociodemographic subgroups have not been synthesized. This review assessed the evidence on the associations between food environments near schools and childhood obesity within different demographic and socio-economic subgroups. PubMed and Scopus databases were searched to identify studies More
Keywords: Body mass index (BMI), Fast food, Food outlet, Neighborhood, Supermarket
Date: April 2020
Resource Type: Journal Article
Focus Areas: Food Retail Healthy Communities School & After School
Low-income communities often lack access to supermarkets and healthy foods. Enhanced stocking requirements for staple foods for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)- authorized retailers may increase availability of healthy foods in smaller stores which are prevalent in low-income areas. This study aimed to evaluate the extent that small food stores located in low-income areas met More
Keywords: Corner store, Food outlet, Grocery store, Supermarket
Date: October 2019
Resource Type: Journal Article
Focus Areas: Food Retail Nutrition Policy & Programs
One of the most pressing unmet challenges for preventing and controlling epidemic obesity is ensuring that socially disadvantaged populations benefit from relevant public health interventions. Obesity levels are disproportionately high in ethnic minority, low-income, and other socially marginalized U.S. population groups. Current policy, systems, and environmental change interventions target obesity-promoting aspects of physical, economic, social, More
Retailers and other organizations currently use a variety of nutrition standards and recommendations to guide consumers towards healthier, “Better for You”, options. This variety can be confusing to consumers. Healthy Eating Research convened a scientific advisory committee to review existing “Better-For-You” nutrition standards, and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. The scientific advisory committee developed a More
Keywords: Food outlet, Grocery store, Nutrition standards, Supermarket
This study aimed to: explore the number and spatial distribution of 9,556 SNAP stores in North Carolina by type and assess how SNAP benefit redemption is linked to store type; compare the demographics of populations living in areas with a high concentration of SNAP participants vs areas with a lower concentration of SNAP participants; and More
Date: May 2018
Resource Type: Journal Article
Focus Areas: Food Access Food Retail Nutrition Policy & Programs
This study builds on the recommendations for healthy minimum stocking developed by an expert panel convened by Healthy Eating Research in 2015. It tests the feasibility of the standards and provides practical insight from retailers about implementation. Researchers collected qualitative and quantitative data from 57 small stores in four states (Arizona, Delaware, Minnesota, and North More
Date: April 2018
Resource Type: Journal Article
Focus Areas: Food Retail Nutrition Policy & Programs
This content analysis examines the arguments used to support or oppose the USDA’s proposed rule that all SNAP-authorized retailers carry more nutritious foods. A random sample of public comments posted to the U.S. Federal Register was analyzed. Three main themes were discussed throughout the comments: 1) arguments used in opposition to the rule; 2) arguments More
Date: February 2018
Resource Type: Journal Article
Focus Areas: Food Access Food Retail Nutrition Policy & Programs