School Foods Sold Outside of Meals. A Research Brief

Schools that provide federally reimbursed meal programs must meet federal nutrition standards. But snacks and drinks sold outside of these programs—so-called competitive foods—do not have to meet these requirements. This brief examines the availability of competitive foods, their nutritional content, their impact on students’ food consumption and policies for improving the school food environment.

Legal Analysis of Opportunities to Address Obesity and Protect Public Health

The epidemic of childhood obesity in the United States has caused considerable challenges for public health agencies and advocates. This article explores the types of public actions and policies that could be enacted to decrease obesity and improve public health. It also discusses key legal principles and issues that can potentially impede state and local More

The Farm Bill and Public Health: An Overview

This paper was written before the passage of the 2007 Farm Bill in December 2007, but the text effectively describes how this new bill (written in anticipation of the legislation’s passage) affects not only farmers and rural communities but the environment, public health, and even socioeconomic variables. In addition to presenting a background on the More

The Role of Child-Care Settings in Obesity Prevention

A majority of American children participate in non-parental child-care arrangements in child-care centers and homes. The child-care setting can play a major role in shaping children’s dietary intake, physical activity, and energy balance. In this article, the authors discuss trends in child-care use, child-care food and physical activity policies and environments, and obesity prevention interventions More

The Role of Schools in Obesity Prevention

Schools can play an important part in the national effort to prevent childhood obesity. More than 95 percent of American youth aged 5 to 17 are enrolled in school, and no other institution has as much continuous and intensive contact with children during the first two decades of life. Schools can promote good nutrition, physical More