Novel approaches to reduce sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption during the first 1,000 days – pregnancy through age 2 years – are urgently needed. This study examined perceptions of SSB consumption and acceptability of potential intervention strategies to promote SSB avoidance in low income families in the first 1,000 days. Themes related to SSB consumption included parental confusion about healthy beverage recommendations, and maternal feelings of lack of control over beverage choices due to pregnancy cravings and infant tastes. Themes surrounding message frames included: negative health consequences of sugary drink consumption are strong motivators for behavior change; and savings and cost count, but are not top priority for the parents in this study. Highly acceptable intervention strategies included use of images showing health consequences of SSB consumption, illustrations of sugar content at the point of purchase, and multi-modal delivery of messages. Messages focused on infant health consequences and parental empowerment to evaluate and select healthier beverages based on sugar content should be tested in interventions to reduce SSB consumption in the first 1,000 days.
Published: April 2019
ID #: 74198
Journal: Acad Pediatr
Authors: Morel K, Nichols K, Nong Y, Charles N, Price S, Taveras E, Goldman R, Woo Baidal J
Focus Areas: Beverages, Early Childhood
Keyword: Infant Feeding
Resource Type: Journal Article
State: New York
Age Group: Pregnant women, infants and toddlers (ages 0 to 2)
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