Creating a Self-Report Instrument Measuring the Child Care Nutrition Environment and Providing Evidence of the Instrument’s Reliability and Validity

The aim of this study is to create a self-report instrument which will measure the child care nutrition environment and provide evidence for the reliability of scores and validity of inferences from this instrument. By creating a clear, easily understandable instrument that can be used across a range of child care centers to provide reliable More

Determining How Small Changes in the Way Snacks and Meals are Presented Influence Their Intake Among 3-5 year Olds

This project uses a series of field experiments in daycare centers to determine how small changes in the way snacks and meals are presented to children, such as pairing foods with attractive names, icons and/or cartoon characters, will change their intake. The study will examine how salience (awareness) and expectations influence the food choices and More

Documenting the Range and Quality of Existing Preschool Food Policies in Connecticut

This project will investigate preschool food policies through two primary aims. First, the study will develop new measures and examine the validity of existing preschool nutrition measures through rigorous psychometric analysis, pilot and primary testing, and validity studies. The final product will be a multi-method toolkit of measures assessing the nutrition environment, caregiver attitudes, food More

The Role of Child-Care Settings in Obesity Prevention

A majority of American children participate in non-parental child-care arrangements in child-care centers and homes. The child-care setting can play a major role in shaping children’s dietary intake, physical activity, and energy balance. In this article, the authors discuss trends in child-care use, child-care food and physical activity policies and environments, and obesity prevention interventions More