Consumption of Sports Drinks by Children and Adolescents. A Research Review

Children’s and adolescents’ consumption of sports drinks is increasing. Given the already elevated levels of added sugar in the American diet and its detrimental impact on health, the increased consumption of sports drinks among youths in recent years is of growing concern for parents, health professionals, and public health advocates. This research review examines the More

Soda and Tobacco Industry Corporate Social Responsibility Campaigns: How Do They Compare?

This article examines prominent cases from corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts by soda industry leaders PepsiCo and Coca-Cola and compares them with tobacco industry CSR campaigns. Researchers found that major soda manufacturers have recently employed elaborate, expensive, multinational CSR campaigns. The campaigns echo the tobacco industry’s use of CSR to focus responsibility on consumers rather More

The New Threat of Digital Marketing

This article provides an overview of the growing digital media and marketing landscape, focusing on four developments that are shaping marketing strategies and techniques: 1) the growth of interactive games and increasing sophistication of augmented realities and other immersive features of digital media; 2) the rapid explosion of social media and the emergence of marketing More

Differential Associations Between the Food Environment Near Schools and Childhood Overweight Across Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Grade

This paper discusses the results of a study that tested whether the associations between franchised fast-food restaurants or convenience store density near schools and childhood overweight varied by race/ethnicity, sex, and grade. Using data for 926,018 racially/ethnically diverse children in fifth, seventh, or ninth grade in 6,362 public California schools, researchers documented four findings in More

Strength and Comprehensiveness of District School Wellness Policies Predict Policy Implementation at the School Level

This study examined 151 written district school wellness policies in Connecticut and found that significant improvement in school-level implementation of policies was reported after written policies were adopted. Stronger and more comprehensive written policies predicted significantly greater implementation of practices and policies at the school level. Some sociodemographic characteristics predicted the strength of wellness policies. More

Consumption of Sports Drinks by Children and Adolescents. An Issue Brief

Children’s and adolescents’ consumption of sports drinks is increasing. Given the already elevated levels of added sugar in the American diet and its detrimental impact on health, the increased consumption of sports drinks among youths in recent years is of growing concern for parents, health professionals, and public health advocates. This research review examines the More

Healthier Home Food Preparation Methods and Youth and Caregiver Psychosocial Factors are Associated with Lower BMI in African American Youth

This paper discusses the results of a study which examined the relationship between home food preparation and adolescent body mass index (BMI) in a sample of 240 African American adolescents and their caregivers in Baltimore, Md. Researchers found that meals prepared at home in African American households do not necessarily promote healthy BMI in youth. More

Healthy Eating in Out-of-School Time: The Promise and the Challenge

This paper discusses the results of a qualitative study which explored childhood obesity and healthy eating concepts among out-of-school time program administrators. Researchers found that while program administrators were concerned about childhood obesity, they identified four main barriers to serving healthy foods: food procurement, budget, staff issues, and facilities. They also found that while having More