Snacking in Children: The Role of Urban Corner Stores

This study provides data on what children purchase in corner stores located near their schools. The investigators collected data on 833 purchases that students made before and after school at 24 different corner stores. (Surveys were conducted immediately outside the stores after the students exited.) The students purchased an average of 356.6 calories per corner-store visit, More

Testing Modifications in Child-Care Settings to Promote Nutritional Quality in the Context of Food Insecurity

The combination of obesity amidst food insecurity presents unique challenges to improving nutrition and feeding policies in institutions serving children. The aim of this study is to evaluate child care nutrition and feeding policies designed to decrease excess caloric consumption in the context of food insecurity and obesity. In this project, three intervention strategies will More

Assessing Recommendations From a Study on Improving Nutrition in Licensed Child-Care Centers in California

Approximately 50% of preschool-aged children in California are enrolled in licensed child-care settings, primarily in day care centers. These children consume a significant portion of their daily nutrition in child-care centers. Previous research has indicated that centers participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) served healthier foods than those not participating in More

Examining the Influence of Mobile Food Vendors on Food and Beverage Choices of Low-Income Mexican-American Children in Texas Colonias

The prevalence of overweight and obesity among Mexican-American children is exceedingly high. Understanding the role of mobile food vendors in low-income, limited-resource Mexican-American colonia neighborhoods is critical. With the involvement of community partners and building on prior food environment projects within the colonias, the aim of this study is to assess the neighborhood and household More

Impact of School District Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Policies on Student Beverage Exposure and Consumption in Middle Schools

This paper finds that school district policies related to sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and exposure to SSB in middle schools were significant predictors of student SSB consumption. The paper describes the association between: 1) exposure to SSBs in middle school and student consumption of SSB at schools and 2) school district SSB policies and exposure to More

Development and Validation of a Beverage and Snack Questionnaire for Use in Evaluation of School Nutrition Policies

This paper demonstrates that a 19-item beverage and snack questionnaire (BSQ) developed by researchers can effectively capture data on consumption of targeted foods as well as more lengthy food records. The questionnaire was developed and validated for use among adolescents to evaluate school nutrition policies and assess consumption of specific foods targeted by these policies. More

Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes and Public Health. A Research Brief

This research brief examines the latest information on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) and food pricing strategies. The brief concludes that taxes resulting in substantially higher prices of SSBs could be a powerful policy tool for curbing obesity rates by leading people to reduce consumption.

Local School Wellness Policies: How Are Schools Implementing the Congressional Mandate? A Research Brief

The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 mandated that school districts participating in any federally reimbursed school meal programs develop a local school wellness policy by the beginning of the 2006-07 school year. This brief, published by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, summarizes key results from early research on the implementation of these More