Examining How Increases in Earned Income Tax Credits, Food Prices and Neighborhood Context Affect Children’s BMI

The goal of this project is to examine how increases in family income generated by geographic- and time-varying changes in earned income tax credits (EITC) impact children’s body mass index, and how this effect may depend on their neighborhood food environment and regional food prices. Focusing on EITC-generated income changes amounts to a quasi-experimental research More

Adolescent Obesity: Towards Evidence-Based Policy and Environmental Solutions

The purpose of the supplement is to present recent findings from RWJF grantees funded under the Healthy Eating Research and Active Living Research programs, as well as from RWJF’s Bridging the Gap program and Yale University’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity. Supplement content focuses primarily on adolescent obesity prevention and the need for More

Impact of School District Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Policies on Student Beverage Exposure and Consumption in Middle Schools

This paper finds that school district policies related to sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and exposure to SSB in middle schools were significant predictors of student SSB consumption. The paper describes the association between: 1) exposure to SSBs in middle school and student consumption of SSB at schools and 2) school district SSB policies and exposure to More

Development and Validation of a Beverage and Snack Questionnaire for Use in Evaluation of School Nutrition Policies

This paper demonstrates that a 19-item beverage and snack questionnaire (BSQ) developed by researchers can effectively capture data on consumption of targeted foods as well as more lengthy food records. The questionnaire was developed and validated for use among adolescents to evaluate school nutrition policies and assess consumption of specific foods targeted by these policies. More

Local School Wellness Policies: How Are Schools Implementing the Congressional Mandate? A Research Brief

The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 mandated that school districts participating in any federally reimbursed school meal programs develop a local school wellness policy by the beginning of the 2006-07 school year. This brief, published by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, summarizes key results from early research on the implementation of these More

Off the Map: Extracurricular School Food: School Stores, Concessions, and Fundraising

This brief discusses key issue involved with foods distributed in school stores, concessions, and fundraising activities-venues for competitive foods. It outlines the legal and policy approaches to improving enforcement of school wellness policies and regulations, discusses what legal decision-making authority city officials, legislators, and community organizations have in the quality-improvement process, and discusses key barriers More