Start Date: November 2009

ID #: 68704

Principal Investigator: David Rehkopf, ScD, MPH

Organization: Stanford University

Funding Round: Round 4

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The goal of this project is to examine how increases in family income generated by geographic- and time-varying changes in earned income tax credits (EITC) impact children’s body mass index, and how this effect may depend on their neighborhood food environment and regional food prices. Focusing on EITC-generated income changes amounts to a quasi-experimental research design that addresses many concerns about confounding bias. Exploiting this natural income experiment, investigators will examine how income effects vary based on regional food prices (fruits and vegetables and fast food) and local food environment (grocery stores and fast food outlets). The analysis of the effects of employment and income from the EITC will provide insight into how the largest anti-poverty program in the U.S. shapes children’s risk of obesity.

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