Complete Streets is a transportation and design concept in which streets are designed to be safe and accessible to all users and modes of transportation. This report summarizes findings from a qualitative study of eight communities that had identified equity as a priority in their Complete Streets policy to identify how equity is being implemented More
Keywords: Community setting, Legal, Physical activity, Urban
Complete Streets is a transportation and design concept in which streets are designed to be safe and accessible to all users and modes of transportation. From a public health perspective, Complete Streets can play an important role in promoting healthy behaviors by increasing trips made by foot, bicycle, and transit. This brief summarizes the results More
Keywords: Community setting, Legal, Physical activity, Urban
Complete streets policies have existed since the early 1970s. These policies typically require that all road construction and reconstruction create streets that are safe and convenient for all users and all modes of transportation. The purpose of this project is to examine the equity and active living-oriented components of complete streets policies. Specifically, the project will More
Keywords: Community setting, Legal, Physical activity, Urban
Date: October 2015
Resource Type: Commissioned Research Project Summary
Focus Areas: Healthy Communities