Healthier Home Food Preparation Methods and Youth and Caregiver Psychosocial Factors are Associated with Lower BMI in African American Youth

This paper discusses the results of a study which examined the relationship between home food preparation and adolescent body mass index (BMI) in a sample of 240 African American adolescents and their caregivers in Baltimore, Md. Researchers found that meals prepared at home in African American households do not necessarily promote healthy BMI in youth. More

Results from an Experimental Trial at a Head Start Center to Evaluate Two Meal Service Approaches to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intake of Preschool Aged Children

This study evaluated the effects of two meal service strategies on intake of fruits and vegetables of preschool children: 1) serving fruits and vegetables in advance of other menu items as part of traditional family style meal service; and 2) serving meals portioned and plated by providers. Researchers found that fruit consumption and intake of More

Reduction in Purchases of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Among Low-Income, Black Adolescents After Exposure to Caloric Information

This paper examines the effect of an intervention to provide caloric information about sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) on the number of SSBs purchased by Black adolescents. The intervention randomly assigned urban corner stores in Baltimore City, Maryland to the following calorie information conditions which were posted on the beverage cases: 1) absolute caloric count, 2) percentage More

Examining the Nutritional Content and Youth-Focused Marketing of Fortified Drinks to Strengthen Public Policies

With the link between sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) and childhood obesity well established, effective strategies to reduce consumption of these beverages among children are needed. The objective of this research is to determine whether the nutritional content of fortified beverages and fruit drinks warrants their inclusion or exclusion from public policies designed to reduce the marketing More

Nutrition Policies at Child-Care Centers and Impact on Role Modeling of Healthy Eating Behaviors of Caregivers

This article discusses a cross-sectional study evaluating the associations between child-care center policies about staff eating practices and caregivers’ dietary behaviors during mealtime interactions with children. Researchers observed no substantial associations between caregiver behaviors and center policies. Caregivers were observed modeling healthy dietary behaviors more frequently at centers that had written policies about staff modeling, More

Simplifying Caloric Labeling on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages to Reduce Consumption of Excess Calories

Providing easily understandable caloric information may be a low-cost strategy for lowering overall caloric intake among groups at high risk for obesity, particularly Black and Hispanic adolescents ages 12 to 18. The aims of the study are to: 1) examine if providing caloric information on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) significantly reduces the frequency and volume of More

Consumer Estimation of Recommended and Actual Calories at Fast Food Restaurants

This paper examines the assumptions that consumers know how many calories they should consume throughout the course of a day and customers improperly estimate the number of calories in their fast food order. It then examines whether mandatory menu labeling influences either of these assumptions. Based on receipt and survey data collected from consumers outside More