Start Date: August 2020

ID #: CAS064

Organization: Foodshare

Project Lead: Katie Martin, PhD

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This project will develop and test tools to help food banks and food pantries rank food nutritionally through implementation of the Healthy Eating Research Nutrition Guidelines for the Charitable Food System (HER guidelines). The objectives are to: 1) Revise existing SWAP materials to align with the new HER guidelines and develop new materials to complete a suite of tools to help food banks and pantries rank food nutritionally; 2) Recruit eight food banks to pilot test the materials, both within the food banks and within a sample of food pantries in their network; 3) Conduct a process evaluation to measure the adoption, feasibility, and fidelity of the new tools; and 4) Identify challenges and successes with implementation. The tools resulting from this project will be included in Feeding America’s toolkit of resources available to help food banks fully implement the HER guidelines. The subrecipient will produce a website with revised and tested SWAP resources, revised posters and training materials, a readiness checklist, an FAQ document, and a draft report summarizing project findings.

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