Off the Map: Extracurricular School Food: Open Campus Lunch

This brief discusses open-campus and off-campus lunch policies, which allow high school students to go outside school boundaries to buy and eat food during their lunch breaks. The document addresses how such policies are established, nutritional implications, racial and socioeconomic considerations, safety issues and effect on on-campus and local businesses. From this discussion, readers can More

Nutrition and Physical Activity Environments in Licensed Child Care: A Statewide Assessment of California

This report summarizes the results of a survey assessing the nutrition and physical activity environments for 2- to 5-year old children in licensed child-care facilities in California, including child-care centers and homes, and state preschool and Head Start program sites. Researchers found that child-care sites that participated in the Child and Adult Care Food Program More

The Federal Child Nutrition Commodity Program: A Report on Nutritional Quality

This report found that school districts fail to take advantage of healthier foods offered by the federal child nutrition commodity program, despite improvements in the nutritional quality of foods offered to schools by USDA. The study found that, in California, meat and cheese products accounted for more than 82% of the dollars spent on commodity More

Mapping School Food: A Policy Guide

School food environments are complex, particularly because they must function within a plethora of state, federal and local regulations. Individuals who work in this system-food service directors, superintendents, or others involved school food policy-are often left to their own devices to navigate the complex interplay of laws. In this study, legal researchers guide advocates in More

Legal Analysis of Opportunities to Address Obesity and Protect Public Health

The epidemic of childhood obesity in the United States has caused considerable challenges for public health agencies and advocates. This article explores the types of public actions and policies that could be enacted to decrease obesity and improve public health. It also discusses key legal principles and issues that can potentially impede state and local More

The Farm Bill and Public Health: An Overview

This paper was written before the passage of the 2007 Farm Bill in December 2007, but the text effectively describes how this new bill (written in anticipation of the legislation’s passage) affects not only farmers and rural communities but the environment, public health, and even socioeconomic variables. In addition to presenting a background on the More