The Federal Child Nutrition Commodity Program: A Report on Nutritional Quality

This report found that school districts fail to take advantage of healthier foods offered by the federal child nutrition commodity program, despite improvements in the nutritional quality of foods offered to schools by USDA. The study found that, in California, meat and cheese products accounted for more than 82% of the dollars spent on commodity More

Examining the Financial Impact of a la Carte Foods in Kansas Public Schools

This project will characterize demographic and financial differences in the dependence on a la carte food sales among school food service programs. Specifically, the aims of this research are to: (a) classify and describe school districts according to their level of a la carte dependence, (b) explore key financial and demographic characteristics that distinguish low, More

School Food Environments and Policies in U.S. Public Schools

Based on 2005 data, this study found that 97% of high schools and 82% of middle schools had vending machines, compared with 17% of elementary schools. In addition, 93% of high schools and 92% of middle schools sold food and beverages a la carte, and nearly 80% of these schools offered unhealthy a la carte More

Creating Healthy Food and Eating Environments: Policy and Environmental Approaches

Individual behavior to make healthy choices can occur only in a supportive environment with accessible and affordable healthy food choices. This article presents an overview of food environments and strategies for creating healthy eating environments. An ecological framework is presented for conceptualizing the many food environments and conditions that influence food choices, followed by a More

Mapping School Food: A Policy Guide

School food environments are complex, particularly because they must function within a plethora of state, federal and local regulations. Individuals who work in this system-food service directors, superintendents, or others involved school food policy-are often left to their own devices to navigate the complex interplay of laws. In this study, legal researchers guide advocates in More

Evaluating the Impact of Two School Nutrition Policy and Environmental Interventions on Low-Income Middle-School Students in Michigan

The primary goal of this project is to evaluate the impact of two interventions on improved nutrition behaviors among low-income students. These on-going interventions have been initiated by key stakeholder groups in response to current school nutrition/wellness legislation. In the first intervention, low-income middle schools will receive access to comprehensive online tools, mentoring assistance, and More

Developing a Computer Model of School Food Policies That Will Simulate Their Effects on Youth Overweight and Obesity Rates

The key objective of this project is to develop a computer simulation model of school food policies that will simulate their effects on youth overweight and obesity rates. This computer model also will provide a user-friendly synthesis of current research, which will provide an accessible means by which practitioners, schools, and other stakeholders might develop More

School Foods Sold Outside of Meals. A Research Brief

Schools that provide federally reimbursed meal programs must meet federal nutrition standards. But snacks and drinks sold outside of these programs—so-called competitive foods—do not have to meet these requirements. This brief examines the availability of competitive foods, their nutritional content, their impact on students’ food consumption and policies for improving the school food environment.

Impact of Maine’s State-Wide Rule on High School Nutrition Environments and Students’ Dietary Behaviors

Maine’s Chapter 51 rule represents one of the strongest current state-wide school nutrition standards in the country. Study aims: 1) examine effects of Chapter 51, on high school nutrition policies, environments and revenues and on high school student dietary behaviors; and 2) examine the influence of proximity and density of non-school food venues on high More