This study aimed to examine whether a newly opened supermarket in the Bronx, NY, changed household food availability and consumption of healthy and unhealthy food items among families who lived within half a mile of the new supermarket. Participants were recruited through street intercept surveys, with a subset of respondents later completing a 24-hour dietary recall over the phone. All data were analyzed using difference-in-difference models. The primary outcome of interest was household availability of healthy foods, those with high nutrient value such as fruits and vegetables, and unhealthy foods that are calorically dense and low in nutrients. After the store opened, reported fruit and vegetable availability among those living within half a mile of the store increased, while there was no change for participants who lived further away from the store. However, there was also an increase in unhealthy food availability (i.e., salty snacks, sweets) in the home only among the group that lived closer to the store. Residents living close to the store also reported higher consumption of healthy foods like produce and water, and lower intake of soft drinks and pastries.
Published: August 2017
ID #: 68236
Journal: J Acad Nutr Diet
Authors: Rogus S, Athens J, Cantor J, Elbel B
Age Group: Adults and Families
Race/Ethnicity: African American or Black, Latino(a) or Hispanic
Focus Areas: Food Access, Food Retail
Keywords: Food insecurity, Fruits and vegetables, Grocery store, Neighborhood, Supermarket, Urban
Resource Type: Journal Article
State: National
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