Early Adopters: Current Practices and Preliminary Findings in States Adopting School-Based Water Quality Testing Programs

The goals of this project are: 1) to provide a descriptive assessment of the current methodologies used in state-based school water quality testing programs compared to recommended standard surveillance elements; and 2) to summarize water lead content data derived from state testing programs and present and evaluate data by school social and demographic characteristics. First More

Putting it in Pictures: Development of an Educational Video on Sugary Beverages & Implementation Using the Electronic Health Record

This mixed methods project will expand upon an electronic health record (EHR)-based sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) screening program for children. The research team will develop a brief educational video on SSBs to pair with ongoing screening of pediatric patients, and will evaluate video implementation in clinical practice. The team of obesity and health communications researchers will More

State Variations in Infant Feeding Regulations for Child Care

This cross-sectional study reviewed infant feeding regulations for all U.S. states for child care centers and family child care homes, then compared the regulations with ten national standards and also assessed the number of new regulations consistent with these standards since a previous review conducted in 2008. The 2008 review found that the majority of More

Characterizing Multi-Year Community-Based and Large-Scale FINI Projects: Similarities, Differences, and Experiences across Retail Types

The purpose of this project is to collect qualitative information from awardees of multi-year community-based and large-scale projects funded by the Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive (FINI) mechanism. This qualitative information will include program implementation and impact across varying incentive delivery types and venues exploring topics such as redemption rates, volume of sales, and program awareness More

What Can Be Learned from Existing Investigations of Weight-Related Practices and Policies with the Potential to Impact Disparities in US Child-Care Settings? A Narrative Review and Call for Surveillance and Evaluation Efforts.

Child-care settings and the combination of policies and regulations under which they operate may reduce or perpetuate disparities in weight-related health, depending on the environmental supports they provide for healthy eating and physical activity. The objectives of this review are to summarize research on state and local policies relevant to weight-related health equity among young children More

Deal or No Deal? The Prevalence and Nutritional Quality of Price Promotions Among U.S. Food and Beverage Purchases

This study examines trends in the prevalence of price promotions among packaged food and beverage purchases, differences in prevalence by household race/ethnicity or income, and the association between price promotions and the nutritional profile of purchases. The cross-sectional study uses a dataset of 90 million purchases from 38,744 (2008) to 45,042 (2012) U.S. households in More

Examining Barriers and Facilitators to Delivering SNAP-Education (SNAP-Ed) Programming in Rural Communities

This project will examine the barriers and facilitators to delivering SNAP-Ed programming in rural communities with a focus on policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) changes. The goals of this project are: 1) to identify the types of SNAP-Ed programming currently being implemented in rural communities, with a focus on PSE changes; 2) to identify barriers More

Measuring Micro-Level Effects of a New Supermarket: Do Residents Within 0.5 Mile Have Improved Dietary Behaviors?

This study aimed to examine whether a newly opened supermarket in the Bronx, NY, changed household food availability and consumption of healthy and unhealthy food items among families who lived within half a mile of the new supermarket. Participants were recruited through street intercept surveys, with a subset of respondents later completing a 24-hour dietary More