Start Date: June 2016

ID #: CAS040

Organization: North Carolina State University

Project Lead: Lindsey Haynes-Maslow, PhD, MHA

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The purpose of this project is to examine rural store owners’ perceptions about the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) proposed rule that updates the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) vendor requirements and to understand the barriers and facilitators to implementation. The study will include a content analysis on the public comments on USDA’s proposed rule and 40 to 50 semi-structured interviews with rural corner store owners across eight states (Iowa, Kansas, New York, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington). Store owners will be eligible to participate in the interviews if they are: 1) working in a store located in a rural area (defined as having a zip code with >50% of the population being rural); 2) responsible for ordering the store’s food items; and 3) have less than 3 cash registers in their store. These interviews will focus on the perceived barriers of implementing the proposed rule and facilitators that could help storeowners successfully implement the new standards. The study results will provide important information to policymakers and community-based advocates seeking to assist rural corner stores in successfully stocking healthier foods.

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