This content analysis examines the arguments used to support or oppose the USDA’s proposed rule that all SNAP-authorized retailers carry more nutritious foods. A random sample of public comments posted to the U.S. Federal Register was analyzed. Three main themes were discussed throughout the comments: 1) arguments used in opposition to the rule; 2) arguments used in support of the rule; and 3) facilitators to assist the stores in implementing the rule. This study’s findings could help guide rule implementation by understanding the viewpoints of stakeholder’s that would be impacted by the policy change.
Published: February 2018
ID #: CAS040
Journal: J Acad Nutr Diet
Authors: Haynes-Maslow L, Andress L, Pitts SJ, Osborne I, Baquero B, Bailey-Davis L et al.
Keywords: Corner store, Food outlet, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Focus Areas: Food Access, Food Retail, Nutrition Policy & Programs
Resource Type: Journal Article
State: National
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