Start Date: November 2017

ID #: CAS045

Principal Investigator: Amy Yaroch, PhD

Organization: Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition

Project Lead: Amy Yaroch, PhD and Courtney Pinard, PhD

Funding Round: VFHK2

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The purpose of this project is to collect qualitative information from awardees of multi-year community-based and large-scale projects funded by the Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive (FINI) mechanism. This qualitative information will include program implementation and impact across varying incentive delivery types and venues exploring topics such as redemption rates, volume of sales, and program awareness and utilization. It will also include characteristics of funded projects in relation to community demographics, program implementation, and other related setting-level factors, as well as gather information on barriers and facilitators experienced by awardees as part of the proposal development process and program implementation such as the match requirement, potential technical assistance needs for capacity development, identification of any lessons learned, and best practices. A sampling plan will be developed that identifies sites that have received multi-year community based or large-scale FINI projects funded between 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. They will sample between 18 and 22 sites for key informant interviews and will conduct up to three interviews per site. It will oversample projects from the Midwest and South and will include sites from both rural and urban areas

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