Developing Policy and Environmental Approaches to Sustain an Early Head Start Healthy Beverage Program Among Hispanic Families of Infants and Toddlers

The study uses a systems science approach to identify upstream strategies that can support sustained changes in the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and water in a low-income, predominantly Hispanic community. This research is designed to generate information crucial for the development of robust multilevel systems recommendations that are contextually and culturally appropriate. Specific aims include: More

Understanding and increasing water availability and accessibility in family child care homes to improve young children’s water and sugary beverage intake

This study seeks to explore the barriers, facilitators, and feasible strategies to increase drinking water access, availability, and intake in family childcare homes (FCCH). Specific aims include: (1) Conduct provider focus groups to determine barriers and strategies to improve water access/intake in FCCH; (2) Conduct intervention pilot with 40 providers operating FCCH in low income More

Long-term impact of home-visiting on SSB intake & early childhood obesity, and effects of emergency COVID-19 water equity efforts on the Navajo Nation

This research extends follow up on Native American children enrolled in the Prevention of Early Childhood Obesity 1 (PECO1) study 2017-2019 to determine whether positive impacts of the Family Spirit Nurture intervention on infant sugar sweetened beverage intake and infant growth are sustained through 5 years of age. It also examines point of use water More

Expanding Reach of a Health System Intervention for Family Beverage Choice by Partnering with a Local WIC Program

This study seeks to partner with the local Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) to pair an electronic health record (EHR)-based sugar-sweetened beverage screener with a technology-based intervention in order to improve intervention reach and uptake in nutritionally at-risk infants and young children. Specific aims include: (1) Enhance EHR data infrastructure More

Impact of breastfeeding interventions among United States minority women on breastfeeding outcomes: a systematic review

In the U.S., strong ethnic/racial, socioeconomic, demographic, and geographic breastfeeding inequities persist, and African American and Hispanic women are less likely to meet their breastfeeding goals compared to White women. This systematic review was designed to answer the question: What is the impact of breastfeeding interventions targeting ethnic/racial minority women in the U.S. on improving More

Reducing Digital Marketing of Infant Formulas

Breastfeeding protects against overweight and obesity, asthma, eczema, and type-II diabetes, and has long-term health benefits for women. The health benefits of breastfeeding are so valuable that in 1981, the World Health Organization established the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes (WHO Code) that prohibits marketing infant formula to the public. The U.S. has More

Implementing eLearning to Improve Healthy Beverage Policy Implementation Among Early Care and Education Teachers

The overall goal of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of an interactive, eLearning beverage policy training (iBevSmart) paired with eCoaching (technical assistance consultation and resources) for ECE centers in Georgia. The iBevSmart guided training features four modules on water, milk, juice, and SSBs, and includes an interactive avatar, videos, and engagement activities. The More

Effect of a Home-Visiting Intervention to Reduce Early Childhood Obesity Among Native American Children

The objective of this study was to assess the impact of a brief home-visiting approach, Family Spirit Nurture (FSN), on sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption, responsive parenting and infant feeding practices, and optimal growth through 12 months post partum. This study was a 1:1 randomized clinical trial comparing FSN with an injury prevention education control condition More

Assessing Drivers of Disparity in Child Care Center Participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program in 4 States with High Poverty

The study will address a gap in knowledge, providing insight into facilitators and barriers to CACFP uptake by eligible centers and actionable recommendations to address challenges in high-need areas where child poverty is exceptionally high, but resources are limited. The project goals and objectives are to: (1) Assess the historical and structural facilitators and barriers More