Published: November 2010

ID #: 57929

Journal: J Am Diet Assoc

Authors: Belansky ES, Cutforth N, Delong E, et al

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This paper describes the initial influence of Local Wellness Policies (LWPs) on the school nutrition environments and policies in lower-income, rural Colorado elementary schools. Overall, the researchers found that the LWPs were weakly worded and rarely addressed energy content, but researchers observed three improvements after the LWP mandate went into effect: 1) an increase in the number of fresh fruits offered daily in the lunch room; 2) an increase in the percentage of schools with policies stipulating predominately healthy foods and beverages be offered in classroom parties; and 3) an increase in the percentage of schools using skinless poultry. Seventy-three percent of food-service managers were familiar with their district’s LWP but did not perceive that it changed lunchroom practices.

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