Research & Publications | Healthy Eating Research

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The Food Environment in Juvenile Justice Residential Facilities in North Carolina

This research brief summarizes findings from an exploratory study of a diverse sample of juvenile justice residential facilities in North Carolina conducted by RTI International. The study examined food service operations, agency and facility level policies and practices pertaining to nutrition, participation in federal school nutrition programs, and additional food service funding sources. The overall More

Date: January 2020

Resource Type: Research Brief

Focus Areas: Diet Quality & Healthy Weight Nutrition Policy & Programs

Leveraging Juvenile Justice Food Environments to Advance Health Equity

Researchers and advocates have drawn attention to the public health consequences of mass incarceration and its contribution to racial health disparities in the United States. The conditions within juvenile justice facilities may influence long-term health outcomes for African-American, Latino, and Native American populations, who are more likely than white youth to be placed in these More

Date: January 2020

Resource Type: Research Brief

Focus Areas: Diet Quality & Healthy Weight

Updated Environment and Policy Assessment and Observation (EPAO) Tool

The Environment and Policy Assessment and Observation (EPAO) is a tool designed to evaluate practices, environmental attributes, and policies of early care and education settings that influence children’s nutrition, physical activity, and sedentary environments. The tool has been updated to assess all current best practices in Go NAP SACC. The EPAO has been expanded to More

Date: June 2017

Resource Type: Tools & Measures

Focus Areas: Early Childhood

Exploring the Effects of School Transformation and Redesign of Cafeterias (STARCafé)

The purpose of this project is to conduct an exploratory, pilot study with three schools to determine how school cafeteria renovations that create choice-based serving lines, a variety of inviting and comfortable seating options, and nutrition education messaging may impact school lunch consumption, seated time, attitudes, and school lunch participation rates. To measure the potential More

Date: May 2017

Resource Type: Commissioned Research Project Summary

Focus Areas: School & After School

Nutrition Quality of U.S. School Snack Foods: A First Look at 2011-2014 Bid Records in 8 School Districts

As part of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, snacks and desserts sold in schools as of the 2014-2015 school year were required to meet “Smart Snacks” nutritional guidelines. This study evaluated the potential of using public bid records to characterize the nutrition quality of snack food procured by school districts. Using Interflex, a database of More

Date: January 2017

Resource Type: Journal Article

Focus Areas: School & After School

Informing Rural Schools’ Efforts to Sustainably Implement Revised Federal Standards for School Meals and Snacks

Recent federal policies for revised school meals and Smart Snacks standards aimed for all children to have equitable access to health-promoting food environments. However, studies indicate that rural school, particularly at the secondary level, are lagging behind urban schools in the quality of policies and practices. The aims of this study are to: 1) identify More

Date: November 2016

Resource Type: Grant Summary

Focus Areas: School & After School

A Trial of the Efficacy and Cost of Water Delivery Systems in San Francisco Bay Area Middle Schools, 2013

This study aimed to examine the efficacy and cost of two water delivery systems—water dispensers with cups and water coolers with cups—in increasing students’ lunchtime intake of water in lower-income middle schools. Twelve middle schools in the San Francisco Bay Area participated in a cluster randomized control trial in which they were assigned to one More

Date: July 2016

Resource Type: Journal Article

Focus Areas: Beverages School & After School

Developing, Validating and Feasibility Testing a Cost-Effective Photo-Evidence Method to Assess Effectiveness of Access to Drinking Water in Schools

This study will develop and validate a photo-evidence method to measure effectiveness of water access in schools since the Healthy and Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 requires that potable water be available to children at no charge during mealtimes in areas where meals are served. The aims of this study are to: 1) develop and More

Date: February 2016

Resource Type: Grant Summary

Focus Areas: Beverages School & After School

Identifying Successful Childhood Obesity Interventions in Massachusetts Schools and Using Findings to Improve Programs at Schools Left Behind

While overall prevalence of obesity improved in Massachusetts public schools between 2009 and 2014, prevalence remained unchanged for children living in poor, rural, and smaller communities. This project will identify which programs and activities have been effective in reducing childhood obesity among the successful schools, and use the information to guide future interventions for those More

Date: February 2016

Resource Type: Grant Summary

Focus Areas: School & After School

Examining the Association Between Schools’ Nutrition Environment and Children’s Weight Status by Income and Race/Ethnicity

There is interest among school administrators, researchers, and policymakers for information to guide choices in selecting school-based nutrition interventions and efficiently allocating resources. This study will systematically evaluate the nutrition strategies that schools across the country have initiated for obesity prevention to determine which school nutrition programs and policies are associated with higher or lower More

Date: January 2016

Resource Type: Grant Summary

Focus Areas: School & After School